Friday, February 26, 2016

When Breath Becomes Air - Paul Kalanithi

Paul Kalanithi is finally reaching the end of ten years study to become a Neurosurgeon, when he realizes that the symptoms he has been experiencing all indicate some type of cancer.  Diagnosed with lung cancer, he then has to consider  what his options are, does he stay working?  Should he and his wife have a baby, especially as the prognosis is not good.  It does make you catch your breathe - to think how you would feel if it was you.

So at only 36 years, he faces dying and leaving his young family behind, his beautiful young daughter and loving wife.  It was hard not to cry.

I did have tears at the end of this book - maybe not the best book to have chosen to read as my own father was dealing with end stage cancer, but it was strangely beautiful and for me gave me reassurance that we were not alone in dealing with this.  5/5

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