Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Big Tiny - Dee Williams

I must say that I am intrigued by the tiny house movement.  The thought of not spending all that money on a huge mortgage/rent and just living with the essentials really appeals, as well as the independence it seems to give its owners is great.  It is just the thought of no shower or toilet, and having to climb up a ladder to bed, or falling of the ladder in the middle of the night.  I also love stuff - I love my couch and my big bed, my bedside table and having more than three pairs of shoes.

So this was a really good read, I enjoyed hearing about why Dee Williams chose to build her little house and was amazed that she built it herself with little to no help, good on her!!  She seemed to have been lucky and was able to have her little home on the properties of her friends, and they seemed totally chilled at having her share their facilities.  I could see that wearing out really quick with my friends or family - maybe I have to use the bathroom too often in a day.

Certainly worth a 3/5 for more than a tiny read.

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