Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Life Without Limits - Nick Vujicic

Life Without Limits - Nick Vujicic (2010)

It is hard to finish this book without being inspired by Nicks amazing story. Born without arms or legs, just two small malformed feet, he has managed to form a career as a motivational speaker, travelling around the world to share his story.

Throughout the book, he uses many examples of positive thinking that have helped him and others get through tough times.  Even when things are going wrong, there is still a lesson to be learned and a different opportunity can come through the change in circumstances.

A lot of this book is about Nicks relationship with God, which isn't really my thing, but I still found that the message is really about making the most of what you have been given, and that each day we get alive is full of opportunity.   3/5

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