Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

It was a windy and cloudy old day today, the perfect excuse to hide in a movie theatre for the afternoon.  I did have a craving for a chicken enchilada for lunch, but had to make do with a subway sandwich instead.

How do you describe Moonrise Kingdom?  I guess it is a very stylized movie about a couple of twelve year olds who are in love, and run away to spend time together.  His scout troop, and her parents are on the chase.

Set in 1965, it is a modern version of what the sixties was like and is certainly an assault on the senses with sometimes a bit of brain hurt from not knowing where to look on the screen.

I found the movie sweet, and wonder if twelve year olds have adventures anymore?  4/5 - just because it was nice to see Edward Norton in shorts.

1 comment:

Pia K said...

i really really thought i'd enjoy it, his other movies do. but apart from being rather stylish i think it was silly and quite boring, a 2/5 kind of movie. for me. glad the taste's differ:)