Monday, June 11, 2012

Wild - Cheryl Strayed

Wild - Cheryl Strayed (2012)

Wow.  I was trying to get to bed early last night, but when you only have twenty pages left of a good book, you have to ignore your instincts and just read the damn book.  I didn't really expect to enjoy this one, a book about hiking.  I used to think I like hiking and walking, but to tell the truth, I like my bed and a good shower.

So Cheryl is in her twenties and trying to deal with her demons.  Her mother has recently died, her marriage is over, she has been involved with drugs and a destructive relationship.  So seeking to escape and discover herself, she grabs a sleeping bag, tent, some books and the heaviest pack in the world and takes off on a walk on the Pacific coast from California to Oregon.

So it is not all Eat Pray Love thank goodness, at times she really hates what she it doing, and I could picture how bad her toenails and feet were, and I wondered how she could have done it without any training.   Her writing made me feel like I was on the journey with her, and even though I didn't expect it, I found myself looking forward to reading more about the journey.  5/5

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