Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Shatter - Michael Robotham

Shatter - Michael Robotham (2008)

What - this book is number three in the series?  Idiot me read the first one, then somehow slipped up and just missed reading the second one and headed straight to the third.  Bless this middle aged lady brain.

I like the Joe the psychologist as a character, I guess the Parkinson's makes him vulnerable and not so tough guy tough.  I did have difficulty though with the story line, the use of threatened abuse and hostility towards to girls and women doesn't settle well with me, and a part of me cringes inside. 

So I'm sitting on the fence on this one.  It did border on the slightly too long and drawn out for me, I like the story tight, and felt myself skimming the last quarter of the story. 3/5

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