Monday, April 09, 2012

Death Comes to Pemberley - P.D. James

Death Comes to Pemberley - P.D. James (2012)

This book is the continuation of the story of Pride and Prejudice.  Elizabeth Bennett and Fitzwilliam Darcy are happily married now, with two young sons at the Darcy estate Pemberley.  Preparations are underway for the annual ball, with servants busy polishing silver and cooking food, when a late night unexpected arrival causes chaos at the house.  Elizabeths sister Lydia, arrives in a carriage reporting that her husband, and his friend had had a fight in the forrest and shots have been heard.

I enjoyed the beginning of the story much better than the second half, but I have found as I grow older that I have little interest in any court room scenes.  The domestic doings of a large house, and the chatterings of the Bennetts was much more to my liking.  For that I give it a 3/5.

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