Monday, January 02, 2012

The Debt

The Debt (2011)

So - here it is the first movie of 2012, a justifiable treat as we had another rainy dull and cold summer day.  Me and the bestie met up and went to the movier with about 16 other punters.

The Debt is about 3 mossad agents sent to Germany in 1965 to track down a Nazi war criminal known as the Surgeon of Birkenau.  Without giving the story away, lets just say it involves lots of knives, syringes and blood.  Beyond the violence though was a good story, and unlike many others I wasn't busy predicting what would happen, it all ended as a bit of a surprise.  An intelligent thriller that I am sure won't do as well as the latest Adam Sandler.

3/5 - and I must say I'm excited for the movie year ahead.

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