Monday, December 05, 2011

Afterlives of the Rich and Famous - Sylvia Browne

Afterlives of the Rich and Famous - Sylvia Browne (2011)

I often enjoy the secret pleasure of psychics memoirs or books of the afterlife and have read a few of Sylvia Brownes ones.  They intrige me and on the whole are pretty short and sweet.  Here Sylvia Browne talks about what happened to many of the worlds most famous celebs after they died.  Lady Di,Dean Martin, Gregory Peck, Abraham Lincoln, Elvis, John Belushi, Anna Nicole Smith and of course Michael Jackson.

I liked that they all seemed to get to live in a little house by themselves and have little jobs to do.  Some look after animals, or people, some do research in fields that interest them.  I am not sure how much I believe, but I like the idea of all that Sylvia Browne talks about.  I always like to think that my mum and all the old pets will be there to greet me when I die. 


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