Monday, May 09, 2011

Rescue - Anita Shreve

Rescue - Anita Shreve (2011)

Anita Shreve is one of those authors that I look forward to her new books, and search them out but the results can often be a bit hit or miss for me.  This one was one of those that I didn't really gel with, the characters were a bit on the annoying side.  An ambulance officer begins a relationship with a woman who he treats after she has an accident after drinking.   Sixteen years later he is bringing up their daughter alone, and is struggling with a bit of teenage rebellion.

I found ambulance officer Webster a bit weak, and his family a bit flat and two dimensional and Shelia, well she was just plain annoying.  Nothing seemed likable in the book really, the characters or the town, it all felt a bit like I'd heard it before.  2/5

1 comment:

Pia K said...

i really love shreve's style of writing. and the stories. but the latest book i read "the last time they met" i didn't enjoy at all and after that i've not gotten around to reading the 2-3 i have in my to-read-pile. but the previous 3-4 ones i've enjoyed immensly.

but i do understand what you mean about the feeling of having read the story before. they are kind of similar...