Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Because of You - Rebekah Gibbs

Because of You - Rebekah Gibbs (2009)

Being a middle aged woman, who has escaped any scary health things (thankfully), I sometimes delve into the world of health story auto biographies. In this one, 35 year old ex-casualty actress Rebekah is 7 months pregnant when she discovers a lump on her breast. It turns out to be a nasty agressive one, so as well as dealing with a new baby, she has to go through surgery and chemo at the same time.

A bit of a quick easy read, I think I managed this one in about 2.5 hours or so, thus earning it a 3/5. It was an interesting patient perspective without turning preachy. You know the books? The ones that say the author changed their diet to only eating carrots and yams and drinking cat urine, and now the cancer is gone forever!! They annoy me - oh yes they do. I guess people have to find their own path when dealing with cancer, but I think you still have to do things that make you happy, when you can while you can, and if it means a bit of cake and a drink of whatever you fancy, then I say go ahead.

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