Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Love is the Best Medicine - Nick Trout

Love is the Best Medicine - Nick Trout (2010)

Because I was nerdy enough, and asked the library to order this book, I was lucky to receive it in its virgin condition, without a crease or a folded page corner. My hands, were the first to open and read it, which seems special with a library book.

Nick Trout is a UK trained vet working in the states, who writes about looking after animals. In his latest book, he mainly focuses on two particular dogs, and the lessons he learnt from looking after them and the influence that many of his patients have had. He comes across as compassionate and caring, and with a true love of the dogs, cats and critters in his care. He also seeks to help the fur parent of the patient too, to understand their pain and stress and help them make the best medical decisions for the patient.

A 3/5, I enjoyed the writing style and stories, but I didn't come away from it with any real purls of wisdom.

1 comment:

Jeane said...

I read another book by Nick Trout and really enjoyed it. I think I'd like this one too, particularly as it has a clearer focus on only two dogs. Lack of pearls nonwithstanding.