Thursday, November 19, 2009

Flashforward - Robert J Sawyer

Flashforward - Robert J. Sawyer (1999)

I know, an old book, and Sci-fi too. Flashforward is the story about a group of scientists in Switzerland who are testing their new proton atom collider thing, when everyone in the world suffers from a 2 minute blackout. During this blackout, everyone catches a glimpse of their life, 21 years in the future. Once the 2 minutes are over, millions around the world are dead, due to cars and planes crashing, collapsing and injuring themselves or others, so there are large repercussions. Many never experience what the future holds for them, as they are asleep and are unable to remember their dreams. Futures in business will be won or lost due to visions of hovercars, new presidents and companies all seen in the two minute glimpse.

We also get to see how this vision affects the scientists who caused in, and how their lives are changed. So this book, has been made into a new tv series, although I think everyone experiences a flashforward of not so far in the future. I don't know if it is any good, and I'm not going to hunt down opinions on the web. Maybe this time I will wait, and see for myself.

I liked that the book was not a sci-fi brick, and was a quick couple of days read. It also made me think about a few things and I think I learnt another couple of nerd facts. 3/5

1 comment:

Pia K said...

it's showing on swedish tv now and i really like it, so far. i think it's 6 months into the future they see. although now you have spoilt the plot for me of course...;)