Friday, July 31, 2009

Sense and Sensiblilty

Sense and Sensibility (2008)
I didn't really think I needed to see another version of this story, but as the weather was grey and dim, and the television was rubbish, I decided to give this one a go. Also when I got it out, the hip librarian said that he and his partner had enjoyed it a lot.

I am glad I took the chance,this was a sweet and polished version. One that the BBC do so well. Although the Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson version is great I was a bit distracted by their over made up glory and picture perfect cottage. In this series I love that the edges are a bit rougher and the family is definitely down on it's luck. It also helps that although the girls swoon over the foppish men, they still are a bit more gritty and maybe a bit more modern. How hard it must have been to have your futures determined by the whims of the men.

So I will say it gets a good 4.5/5, and a recommended watch, especially on a cool wintry evening.

1 comment:

Pia K said...

on my to see list then! most things adapted by andrew davies are well worth seeing.