Sunday, July 13, 2008

Child 44 - Tom Rob Smith

Child 44 - Tom Rob Smith (2008)
Set in mainly 1953s Russia, at the time of Stalins death, Leo is a member of the Ministry of State Security. Investigating anyone for anything, at a time where even an accusation will lead to your executionl. Scary to think how many must have been killed at this time for the littlest reason.

After becoming involved in the search for the murderer of a small boy, Leo discovers that there are other children throughout Russia who have been murdered in a similar brutal fashion. Then Leo and his wife are punished and sent to a small town in the Ural mountains, where they search for answers.

This book kept me up late for quite a few nights. It was fluid and the suspense was evenly paced throughout the book, without the ending being given away too soon (which happens far tooo often with so many thrillers). I didn't enjoy the subject matter of child murders though, and that was almost enough to make me shelve this book and not continue.

I am going to say it was a gripping 3/5, but only read if you are a fan of the thriller genre.

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